miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2008

the comunity of the blogs

I heard some people say that blogs are the last social revolution, why?, because is the last place where our right of expression is respected. You can say anything that you want, you are free of say and read the ideas and opinions of the other. No goberment, without mass medias, no corporation that deprived of your right of expression.

To many people in the blogs is where being born the new journalism, this kind of journalism that don´t has fear of the Censorship of the big mass media. But well, everything isn´t dark and fight against the system.

My problem with the blogs is think what i have to say, do i have to say something interesting?. Is like the pictures, so much the people who take picture to everything without think in what is take it. I think in many case is the same with the blogs, but in a less grade for our lucky.

I have read a lot of interesting blogs of diferent person of all the world, about music, books, art, design and other kind of things interesting to me. And is in this moment when i think, well, there still a light in this world, is not everything is lost, the goverment no have all the power. The power of the people like used to say Lennon. I believe in the power of the words, of the written expression, the lenguage create our reality, and if we have only one voice is would very sad and bored.

The blogs are a power tool for create communities where share our ideas and interest, a place for learn about the other and feel the freedom of say something without the fear of the censorship, and make friends.

miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008

4 months, 3 weeks and two days.

This is a romanian film. I saw it a couple to months ago in the cinema, in the night, i remember, with my girlfriend. The film is about two friends, young and students, that have to resolve a problem, one of them want to make a abort in the romania of coceuscu, in the communist romania.

The film is very realist, with a handycam moving all the time following to the protagonist, otilia, in two days, without music, without especial effects o other things like that. In this two days we followed to Otilia across the city trying help at her friend, Gabita, to make the abort, that only we know at the half of film.

The film makes you feel anguished, sad and in a lots of moments very desperate, in fact, i had the idea to get out of the cine, just for what we felt in this moment. All this transmited for the face and the expression of Otilia, a extraordinary friend. I would like say more, i feel that i have a lot things to say about this film, but better is that you see it.

At the moment is the best film that i´ve seen in the cine, is extraordinary, very good and honest. Strong and you don´t forget it easily. Five stars and more.

miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2008

australis road

In december of the last year i had the chance to go to Coyhaique to work. I had to teach about the local enviroment to children of Cochrane, Tortel and Villa O´higgins, this for a friends ONG. I was two weeks and more treveling across de road. The first week i worked with the children and the rest of the time traveled alone making autostop.

The first week i went from Coyhaique to Villa O´higgins, that is the last town on the road, in the begining of the "campos de hielo sur", a small town with only 500 habitant. Tortel or Caleta Tortel is a small town between "Campos de hielo norte" y "Campos de hielo sur", a town without streets, only stairs and bridge of wood. Front a fiord and near of the Baker river, the biggest river in Chile.

I made a trekking for 4 days in Cerro Castillo, alone with my tent and a Bolaño´s book, i don´t met anybody in this trip, cause all the time i was alone, for first time in my life, far to everything and lost in the middle of the mountains and the forest of patagonia. Then, i was in Puerto Cisne, Queulat and other small towns, but this time i met a lot of good people. Some of benifits to make a trip alone with a friendly face.

Patagonia is a incredible place, is awesome, everything is big and beatiful and magic, with a lot of virgin lands and a lot of good people, i still remeber the sky, the forest, the silent and the wind, the glaciers, the infinit rivers and the road in rain, the long road to the end of the world.

miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2008

Zañartu, the unknow artist

I found the work of enrique zañartu by chance in a exposition in telefonica several years ago, but the last year it´s made a big exposition of his work in the mac and then, i was more informed from his work and his life. Enrique Lihn said from him that always he was wandering in his own landscapes, a man in constant search of himself inside of his landscape, and the relationship between the man and the space.

Zañartu is brother of nemesio antunez, a famous chilean artist,Zañartu made his works in paris, but always had the chilean landscape like a reference for his iconography. Now, after his died, is considered one of most important modern artists, like matta.

I like the colors of his works, color from the andes mountain, the abstract fomrs and specially his
stroke, strong and delicate at the same time, and how put the human been inside his landscape, the lanscape that we see through his eyes.

What happens to me with his works?? well, i can see myself in his abstract landscapes, looking for something unknow, in a space not happy but no sad, just a strange space o maybe a no-space. this kind of feeling when we walk alone without know where we going. Like a sabage detective

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2008

the infinite sadness of infinite jest

'I wanted to do something about what it's like to live in America around the millennium ... There's something particularly sad about it, that doesn't have very much to do with physical circumstances, or the economy, or any of the stuff that gets talked about in the news. It's more like a stomach-level sadness. Whether it's unique to our generation I really don't know.' David Foster Wallace-

well, this the history, a writer, a young writer considered one of the most important and talented writer of his generation,this writer the last september decided to kill himself, his name, david foster wallace,author of one of the most important books, creative and grieve for the past 50 years of American literature.

Foster Wallace was born in ithaca, new york in 1962. In 1991 he began working in his monumental novel, in 1993 he finished his work. more than 1000 pages had the book. Considered for the critic like a writer to writers, close to the postmodernism of don lillo and pychon, too much intelligent sometimes, with so much for said, for explain and write in diferent ways.

The broom of the systems (1987), Girl with curious hair (1989), Brief interviews with hideous men (1999)
, A supposedly fun thing i´ll never do again (1997), they are some of his more famous books.

Foster Wallace was found died at 15 of september in his house, his wife was who found him hanging from a beam. He didn´t leave any note, only his books, his words, and his monumental novel called infinite jest.


miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2008

the city of the future

When i was a child i spent a lot of time drawing citys, maps and all i could imagine, the same way that Mr. Simpson drawn his "Victory City". I remember that when i drawn my citys i felt a power man, some kind of god, the "big architect" like use to said the architects.

i think diferent now ,i don´t believe in a big arquitect or designer, if some ask me how i imagine the city of the future, i don´t think in a big city, i want live a small town far away of the big citys. I prefer the spontaneous of the small communities with all the necesary to have a good live, but this is always relative, what are the most important things to have a really good live?

i think that everyone sometimes in his life want design his own city, think a better place to live, a city to be happy and so is good, but this kind of things almost always don´t work because everyone want make his own city.

Ricardo Piglia, a argentine writer, he has the idea that every citizen have his own city, that we can chose where and how live our citys, that city that relate with the other citys and create a big story, a lot of short storys.

miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2008

Will Oldham, the new bob dylan.

i wanna talk about will olhman (aka bonnie "prince" billy), an artis that i discovered maybe the last moth, wherever, it was enough with the first time that I heard for what I liked. Olhman is a kind of folk songwriter, he´s part of the "new weird american", a kind of new folk, a little bit psychedelic or freak, definetly hippie.

My favourite song in this moment, has been playing all day in my ears is "Strange form of life" to "The letting go" album, recorded in 2005. Is a folk song playing with a girl in the second vocals, and the play between these two voices is one of the reason because it like to me so much. A sad and melancolic image of the deep america like jack kerouac used to say, like a image of the chilean patagonia i think. Oldham is like a kind of gaucho for us.

"The letting go" is for the moment one of my favourite albums, soft, deep, with slow sounds, perfect for the sounds of winter, perfect to sleep. And obviously talks about love as almost all the major records, but no like the typical romantics fools, these kind of latin lovers. did you know them?

and this is the lyrics of the song.

a strange form of life
kicking through windows
rolling on yards

heading in loved ones' triggering eyes
a strange one

and a hard way to come into a cabin
into the weather
into a path
walking together
a hard one

and the softest lips ever
25 years of waiting to kiss them
smiling and waiting
to bend down and kiss twice
the softest lips

in a dark little room
across the nation
you found myself racing
forgetting the strange and the hard
and the soft kiss
in the dark room

and a strange form of life
kicking through windows
rolling on yards

heading in loved ones' triggering eyes
a strange one

martes, 2 de septiembre de 2008

how to learn english or not waste my time in the web

I can imagine that bbc´s people asked himself how to make a site where everyone who wants can learning english in a easy and funny way. A site where we can think the english in diferent ways.

As a site to learn i think is a good place, as a site learn about to what´s happen around the world, i think that they stays in the surface common to the all big mass medias what have to objetive reaching as much public as they can, therefore they stay in the general or in a light vision of the real life . I confess that i don´t like these kind of thing too massive, even so, i like can learning in a diferent ways, more dinamics and interactives.

I found remarkable the note about the english guy who traveled by bike from england to chine roundtrip. I wish to take a trip so long too, indeed, be a real journey.

miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2008

that´s the way

hello, open the window and close the door--- is easy not?