I heard some people say that blogs are the last social revolution, why?, because is the last place where our right of expression is respected. You can say anything that you want, you are free of say and read the ideas and opinions of the other. No goberment, without mass medias, no corporation that deprived of your right of expression.
To many people in the blogs is where being born the new journalism, this kind of journalism that don´t has fear of the Censorship of the big mass media. But well, everything isn´t dark and fight against the system.
My problem with the blogs is think what i have to say, do i have to say something interesting?. Is like the pictures, so much the people who take picture to everything without think in what is take it. I think in many case is the same with the blogs, but in a less grade for our lucky.
I have read a lot of interesting blogs of diferent person of all the world, about music, books, art, design and other kind of things interesting to me. And is in this moment when i think, well, there still a light in this world, is not everything is lost, the goverment no have all the power. The power of the people like used to say Lennon. I believe in the power of the words, of the written expression, the lenguage create our reality, and if we have only one voice is would very sad and bored.
The blogs are a power tool for create communities where share our ideas and interest, a place for learn about the other and feel the freedom of say something without the fear of the censorship, and make friends.
4 comentarios:
Hey Pablo,
What about your video!
I have to get the marks in by Friday!!!!
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